T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
RİZE / MERKEZ - Ambarlık Ortaokulu

Felt in The Heart




The aim of the project is to learn by experience values.This project focused on human values.Value learning is affected by a large scope of factors (family,school,friends..).This project supports good vibes between students and schools such as respect,love,responsibility,emphaty.'Felt In The Heart' is the most important step of all learning,so the students wil rediscover their values and emotions like mercy ,trust,self esteem,patience,respect via experience.This project enhances students' positive manners and duties.Students will be experienced virtual and colloborative learning environment such as Twinspace,they will share their experiences also improve their four basic skills language learning.The target group age will be between 10 - 14



The aim of the project is to internalize the human values .
-improving fellings of empathy.
-creating a school environment where students can feel safe and healthy environment for their personality.
-spreading the values of tolerance ,justice,acceptance of diversity.
-creating human values.
-using body language effectively.
-developing students' social and life sklls like social and emotional.
-improving positive impact.
-fostering self-awareness as well as supporting the interaction between the students and their social life.


Responsibilities are assigned between the partners.
Students will be involved in all activities.
The calendar will be approximately the following:

1- November - December 2020: Introduction of the students to each other.
2- January 2021: Study of the needs and identifications of the aims.
3- February: Sharing advice and documented experiences.
4- March- April: Creation of project sharing of documents in the Twinspace.
5- May: Sharing opinions the progression of the project and final event.Self assessment and reflection upon the outcome.

We intend to involve students by uploading their products step by step on Twinspace.



-improving foreign language skills.
-improving empathy
-creating and improving value awareness.
-rediscovering values and emotions.
-improving the use of the technology .
-using actively web 2.0 tools.
-using effectively four basic skills.



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Yayın: 02.12.2020 - Güncelleme: 07.03.2025 09:43 - Görüntülenme: 218
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